IR Global Annual Conference in Amsterdam – 2023

Managing Partner, Thomas Paoletti and our Partner in Italy, Luana Mainini, recently represented #PaolettiLawGroup at IR Global’s 11th Annual Conference in Amsterdam last week.    Whilst visiting the Dutch capital, Thomas experienced a full range of networking opportunities, informative presentations, inspirational speakers, breakout sessions, and social activities.    Thomas and Luana’s trip was also enriched...
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Diritto di ritenzione su imbarcazioni abbandonate, l’evento a Olbia

Diritto di ritenzione su imbarcazioni abbandonate, un’autotutela per le aziende nautiche   A Olbia evento formativo organizzato da Confindustria Centro Nord Sardegna, insieme a Cna Gallura e Confartigianato Gallura; in collaborazione con lo studio associato Paoletti Law Group   Olbia 24 luglio 2023. Il fenomeno delle imbarcazioni lasciate in stato di abbandono (nei cantieri o nei...
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Paoletti Law Group hosted the recently concluded IR Global MENA Event held in Dubai, UAE last 25th and 26th of November. The event was attended by 38 IR Global Members from different jurisdictions....
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IR Global Annual Conference in Barcelona ’22

Paoletti Law Group was honored to be a Membership sponsor for IR Global’s Annual Conference held in Barcelona, Spain last 22 October to 25 October 2022. This was a fantastic opportunity  to meet and re-connect with 350+ members who attended, and represented 75+ jurisdictions from all over the world. Guided by the theme, Shaping the...
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New Horizons: How external counsel can help you explore and secure market entry opportunities

We are happy to share with you our latest publication on IR Global November 2021 issue on  ”How external counsel can help you explore and secure market entry opportunities”. Members from different jurisdictions with diverse expertise on various fields have contributed on this publication. Thomas Paoletti the founder and Managing Partner of Paoletti Legal Consultants...
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Distressed Companies: How to help financially distressed businesses

We are delighted to share with you our latest contribution to IR Global’s June 2022 Publication, entitled ”Distressed Companies: How to help financially distressed businesses”. Three questions for our three experts from UAE and Italy with their top tips and legal insight   1)With the recent spike in insolvencies across the globe, do you believe...
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Abu Dhabi Global Market Updates Data Protection Regulations – Legal update N.2

Abu Dhabi Global Market Updates Data Protection Regulations Several amendments to the ADGM data protection Regulations, effective last February 1st, prescribe new obligations and timings to data controllers. Abu Dhabi General Market, the financial free zone in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi with its own judicial and legislative infrastructure based on Common Law, has recently...
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The new legislation changes aim at enhancing the ease of doing business in the DIFC…

The Ruler of Dubai and Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE Sheikh Mohammad Bin Rashid has recently enacted changes to the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) legal framework. The new regime sets up-to-date standards for company laws in the DIFC, aligning it with international best practices and improving transparency and accountability. DIFC Law...
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Negotiating Effective Contracts & Dealing with Disputes: Advice from Outside Counsel

To read the full article, Download now If you wish to have a multi jurisdiction comparative overview, please refer to http://–
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IR Global – “Meet the Members” – MENA

IR Global presents in the publication “Meet the Members” 11 of the 42 representatives of the MENA Forum – Middle East and North Africa.                                                               ...
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International Deal Making: Assisting Acquirers

IR Global presents in the publication “International Deal Making”.                                                                                            ...
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Customer Portal User Guide

  This is a video that describes the steps you need to know in order to use your personal portal where you can view all the information related to your relation with Paoletti Law Group. On your portal you can view : – Recent happenings – Due payments – Invoices – Documents  – Project details...
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International Governance: The Risks You Face as a Global Director

With recent data protection legislation across different jurisdictions, companies are now being held to account regarding their use of personal data. Will this result in a more litigious culture for companies and what does this mean for boards? The UAE is an international hub interconnected with the rest of the world and capable of attracting...
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International Contracts: How has the global pandemic impacted international contracts?

SESSION ONE Can force majeure justify a suspension of performance or the unilateral imposition of new deadlines or cancellations of purchase orders? SESSION TWO Does the COVID-19 crisis and possible breach of international contracts fundamentally alter assumptions surrounding risk allocation, supply chains and access to markets? SESSION THREE Where a contract does not contain a...
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International Expansion: Building your Business Overseas

CHECK OUT how THOMAS PAOLETTI answered these questions: What are the main government incentives available in your jurisdiction to attract multinationals and FDI Investments? What Industries do you feel there are opportunities in for international investors/ businesses in your jurisdiction? What factors do you think contribute to inward investment? Why is it important to hire...
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