The United Arab Emirates’s (UAE) government in September 2021, announced its projects of the 50 intending to transform the UAE over the next 50 years. This set of economic and development projects have captivated the interest of foreign investors as this project is aimed at providing the nation and its residents a sustainable future. Amongst the several schemes announced is the newly introduced Green Visa for individuals aiming to build a future in the country. 

The Green Visa is a new residency visa category which will be available to investors, entrepreneurs, highly-skilled individuals, top students, and graduates. The Green Visa holders will be able to self-sponsor themself and would not require a local sponsor. The green visa holder shall also be able to sponsor their parents and children under the age of 25. 

The self-sponsorship feature of the Green Visa effectively means that a foreigner will be allowed to work in the nation even in the absence of a sponsor by an employer. This is a drastic change from their earlier system where the employer had to sponsor any foreigner and then apply for a work permit.

The Green visa holder shall have an extended grace period of three to six month to find another job in the event they lose their previous job. The increase in grace period will ensure that the highly skilled person given this visa does not have to leave the nation abruptly and could try getting employment elsewhere. 

In the same set of policies, the UAE government has also introduced the Freelancers Visa which allows self-employed individuals to sponsor themselves. Workers based in the UAE and overseas in specialized fields such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, and digital currencies can avail themselves of the freelancer visa. 

More details relating to these two visas is not yet available as the official launch of both these Visas is yet to be announced.  

For more details, please contact our team:

Thomas Paoletti

Fauzia Khan


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